Nicholas, Sarah, Rolando, Gabrielle and Lucy in the Arabian Desert

Nicholas, Sarah, Rolando, Gabrielle and Lucy in the Arabian Desert

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Nick at "Music 4 Me" Class with Gabrielle - March 19th

With Nicholas not enrolled in school just yet, we have had to find other activities he might enjoy to occupy his weekdays. One of them has been taking ice skating lessons at Villagio Mall. (See older posts for those pictures.) The other one, is a popular Music 4 Me Class held at the Alfardan I Compound. For the past 10 weeks, Mommy and Nick have attended a 45-minute a week class, singing and dancing to all sorts of different children's songs; plus get to keep a copy of the songs on a CD which are played practically non-stop in Mommy's truck. Let's just say, the songs just grow on you!!!

He'd enjoyed them so much and was so cute when singing at the top of his lungs in the back seat, that his big sister Gabrielle's curiosity got the best of her. She had hoped that one day she would get the opportunity to attend this class with her little brother, and that day finally did come. The kids were so excited! They sat together and for once in their little lives, sissy was following Nick's lead. They sang, danced, played instruments, popped bubbles, played peek-a-boo, and received cute little stamps on the backs of their hands to end the session off nicely. All in all, they were both very happy and tired little campers at the end of it all. I must admit that it's nice they are this little and close enough in age that they can still enjoy some of the same things. Daddy and I are enjoying this time, too, since we know it will not last forever. Se la vi!!

Here are some pics of classes from the previous session. You might recognize Nick's most constant Doha companion, Parker Jackson, Todd and Hannah's son. Both boys have truly blossomed during this term of these classes. What fun we've all had!

1 comment:

Just Me said...

Lucy, I'm just as proud of you for adding music as I am of the kids!!! What was funny, as I opened up your post about music, I said to myself I should send you a song to add. Lo & behold, the music started! Great job to you, and Nick and Gabrielle, as well.