Nicholas, Sarah, Rolando, Gabrielle and Lucy in the Arabian Desert

Nicholas, Sarah, Rolando, Gabrielle and Lucy in the Arabian Desert

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I figure it's alright to mix Arabic and Spanish, after all, we are Latinos living in Muslim country. LOL!! I wanted to post about the start of EID because it brought with it a very interesting night for us last night. As everyone was waiting around for the ultimate call about Ramadan being over or not, meaning if Tuesday would be a holidy from school and work; the biggest challenge for us was whether or not to put the kids to bed on time! Then, the calls and text messages rolled in one after the other - THEY SAW THE MOON...and the fun began for the four of us: we pulled out favorite movies, snacks, and games; just about anything the kids and us wanted to do....and did that until we literally passed out about 1:30 AM. Not so bad given the fact that the kids really should have and could have been in bed 5 hours earlier!!

Also, I wanted to share a post that our friend Gina put on her own blog about her and her hubby's experience about last night....She added a wonderful song (in English) that I absolutely had to share. Ramadan is over, let the fun begin!!!

1 comment:

Gina and Michael said...

Eid Mubarak! That song is awesome as it truly sounds like a Christmas song to me! It has been so much fun being able to go to Chilis for lunch! lol Enjoy some time off!