The Doha Players hosted an adult Halloween costume party at Doha's InterContinental Hotel. Back in June, our friends emailed us from Doha asking if we wanted to join them at this BALL. The theme was Gangsters and Molls, which sounded totally interesting to us so we told them to sign us up!! Originally, we thought about dressing up in zoot suits and flapper dresses with the big feather, fishnet stockings, and fancy boas. But our host became very persuasive about the idea that we should dress up a little different, and stand out from the crowd. And, oh my, our mission was DEFINITELY ACCOMPLISHED.
She suggested we dress up instead as Vatos Locos and Cholas. Now, yes, Rolando and I are both from Southeast Texas and, just like any other South Texan out there, we have seen our share of Vatos Locos and Cholas to last us a lifetime. And even though the thought of children growing up exposed to this type of violent lifestyle is a nightmare for us, we did as our friend requested and complied. This is where it gets good. As the three of us couples walked in and made our way through the crowded lobby area, we quickly realized 2 things: 1. not a single person was dressed the way we were (YAY!), and 2. ALL eyes were on us!! It could have been the worst thing ever, but as the minutes passed, the glances turned into smiles, followed by head nodding; and eventually, a lot of them even became "brave enough" to approach us and ask if we, in fact, were from South Texas!! Too funny! The night just got better from that point as we began to steadily win over the crowd and even the hearts of some teachers that opened up and confessed to us that we reminded them so much of students they used to have in their classes whom they were afraid of. That was hilarious!! They told us about how they used to worry so much about them; and how they would later be so proud to hear that most of them succeeded in life, after all. This was sort of like us, as we totally could have bombed with our choice of costume, but ended up having a great time and even having our picture flashed up on the big screen slide show!! I must give credit where credit is due, though. If it had been up to me, we would have worn the boring suit and dress. So we say, "Thank you, Patricia and Brian, for being the inspiration behind it all!!! It was a night we will not soon forget!!!!! The tattoos are proof of it all!" And to Meagan and Kevin 'Ferderline', "You guys were sooo BAD!"
I must be sheltered (and I grew up in Southeast, Tx!). I had to look up Vatos Locos and Cholas and when I did it said, "Lucy & Rolando". Haha...y'all looked great, just as described in the definitions.
Whoa, Mama! You guys look great, but I have a feeling it wouldn't take a great costume for you to have a good time, Lucy. You make it fun wherever you go. Perfect music too!
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