In the past year, we have, among other things: acquired Gabrielle's pet Layla (a great b-day surprise), had a visit from some special family members (Hi, Sarah and Martha), spent some time touring the amazing Barcelona, "vacationed" in Texas, have met several new and wonderful people, changed housing within Doha (for the better), brought in a live-in Nanny (more info. to come on our "Amazing Grace"), celebrated our first Christmas in Doha, experienced a few days of rain (it is a treat, for the most part), and brought in the New Year with a great party!
As I went back to refresh on the events of the year, as are presented through this blog, I admit that it took everything I had in me to keep me from getting sentimental. WE HAVE DONE A LOT AND HAVE HAD A BLAST DOING IT! Please take the time, if you haven't done so already, and reminisce on our good times, and celebrate them with us! We feel ever so blessed, and are eternally grateful for it all.
To our Family and Friends back in the States:
We have survived and intend to continue to do so. It is, though, only by the Grace of God and with your thoughts and prayers, and continued emails and calls that this has all been possible and do-able for us. We THANK YOU all from the deepest part in our hearts; and are looking forward to catching up with you on our next visit "HOME"!!
(I must apologize for not adding any pictures to this post. As you know, Roland and Nick are not in town with Gabrielle and I right now, and neither is our camera! Stay tuned though, as I'm certain he will be bringing back some great footage of their "Awesome Adventures in Texas!")
Celebrate Good Times - Cool and The Gang