Nicholas, Sarah, Rolando, Gabrielle and Lucy in the Arabian Desert

Nicholas, Sarah, Rolando, Gabrielle and Lucy in the Arabian Desert

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Nick recites his ABC's!!! MARCH 13 @ 11 AM (Doha time)

OK, hold the phone here my friends. I know there are other things I could be writing about and sharing with you right now, but they ALL have to take a back seat to this: NICHOLAS LORENZO GARCIA (age 3) has just now recited the entire English alphabet to his Mommy and Daddy!!! Yes, yes, ALL OF IT, including the "next time won't you sing with me" part!

How truly adorable it was. He was SOOO proud of himself. Mommy started screaming, of course, and proceeded to pick him up and twirl him around. He totally knew he had done something special. He just didn't know that he was gonna be doing it for the next 5 MINUTES straight - at the request of his parents, of course!! English today, Spanish tomorrow...WHO KNOWS!! For today, my little Nick, you have have made us happier than you can imagine! I think we will celebrate with some ice cream and a trip to the Robot Zoo here in Doha.

To my family in Texas, just wanted to say that we did think about calling and WAKING YOU UP for this monumental event, but we decided to wait a few more hours and let you hear it when you're wide eyed and bushy tailed. Nick will be more than happy to say it a few hundred more times for you all!!!


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